A Digital Decade in One Year
e-Governance Conference 2022 is held on 10-12 May 2022

Conference Experience
- To participate live, please convert the times in the agenda (GMT+3) to your local timezone. After the conference, all sessions will be available on demand.
- The conference is held in English.
- The conference platform is open. Feel free to log in, update your profile and look around.
Registration and ticket information
Registration is mandatory for all e-Governance Conference attendees.
If you received an invitation, please use the links provided in the e-mail. The registration is considered completed after you have received a final confirmation letter from Conference Team.
- ONLINE ticket for the public sector, NGOs and students 19,00 €
- ONLINE ticket for the private sector 49,00 €
Register and purchase your ticket here.
Please find the terms of the sale here.*
*All sales are final.
Additional information at conference@ega.ee
The year 2020 put government online services and communication capabilities to the ultimate test, having to meet the heightened expectations and increased demand. But the pandemic has also been the biggest “advocate” and accelerator for digital transformation. Governments and local authorities now have stronger political will to develop online services and raise citizens’ awareness. Related to that important questions have risen: ethical dilemmas, legal issues related to data collection and storage, privacy and trust – in other words, the emergence of digital responsibility.
A new normal is that many people are working from home, cabinets and government agencies often hold their meetings online, share documents over the Internet and it poses many questions for the government decision-makers:
- Are the digital strategies outdated? How to keep up with the rapid change? What is the shift in the Digital Governance Models?
- What are the good examples of combining public and private sector forces?
- What have been the lessons learned from the rapid process of forced digitalisation?
When such digital transformation happens within one year, it also changes the plans and strategies governments have. So, what is the next normal?
- Is the ‘digital first’ mindset here to stay? Is there a need to re-design online services and how are new services provided?
- As trust seems to be a major challenge, particularly when citizens are suspicious of their governments, how to gain trust for using, storing, and re-using personal data online?
- Will the digital responsibility principles help to guide governments and corporate players towards more sustainable and inclusive digital societies?
- What are the technology trends that influence government’s digital transformation plans and strategies?
The Conference Introduction Day “e-Government Development in Practice” on 18th of May is part of the programme and presents practical aspects of digital transformation.
Virtual Expo
During the conference we are glad to welcome you at the Virtual Expo with different side tracks and meet with international and Estonian IT companies and organisations!
Who is the Conference for?
Public sector decision-makers and strategists from countries implementing national e-governance strategies
Donor organisations supporting the development of open, transparent and efficient governance practices via IT solutions
Business community developing e-governance applications and assisting governments with their implementation
Concept Note (PDF)